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Only 3 days until the Christmas Market at Rideau Vista Public School in Westport! The Horse Effect will be there with lots of goodies! Stop by our table to say hi! We hope to see you there!
Saturday, December 7, 2019 - Visit our table at the Rideau Vista Christmas Market in Westport, ON. We will have gift certificates, horse art, The Horse Effect 2020 Calendar and other items for sale! Enter our draw for a FREE Horse Effect Session! Mark the date - Saturday, December 7, 2019 - from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Hope to see you there!
A windy Halloween left behind a big surprise at the farm this morning! Our "very sturdy" wooden Horse shelter was lifted, twisted and dumped on it's side out in the pasture. Luckily none of the horses were injured and virtually no damage to the shelter. A testament to the power of nature - and the wisdom of the horses who were all gathered safely at the far side of the field.
![]() Not only did our workshop based on the themes of Thanksgiving - Giving and Receiving - survive a day of rain and mud - we THRIVED in it! With six great participants, we dressed to suit the soggy weather and found that the horses' spirit and communication skills were not dampened in any way. Amazing Heart Connections, Reflections and a few very revealing leading exercises were experienced with the help of Hope, Clancy, Chief, Lassie and even Cricket! Thanks to all who braved the weather! Check out the latest edition of the Leeds and Grenville Economic Development e-News!
myemail.constantcontact.com/Economic-Development-eNews---August-13--2019.html?soid=1117402740359&aid=d6XAbYNBJgM Come and spend a full day in the company of our herd of horses on Saturday, July 20, 2019. You will have a chance to participate in one group and two individual horse activities – including a heart’s connection with a horse! Then, while sharing in the group’s experience you can explore your intuition and expand your awareness with your choice of art activities – decorating horseshoes, felt sewing projects, and acrylic and watercolour, are just a few of the choices. Weather permitting the day will be spent mostly in the barn and outside. A full lunch, snacks and beverages are all provided! The cost is $175.00. Please call if you have any questions or concerns. Please let us know by 12 pm on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 if you would like to participate! Cindy - 613-770-5114 Advanced FEEL TrainingCindy has just returned from a week of advanced FEEL training. She can now offer even more activities with the horses, such as, drumming journeys with the horses.